Company [sdn bhd] Incorporation


Sdn Bhd is the most commonly incorporated type of company among the 8 types of business entities available in Malaysia, where an average of 3,900 local companies was registered each month in 2019. Since the implementation of the Companies Act 2016, the company incorporation requirement has been simplified according to several key updates.

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Create Your Company without any hassle

Creating a company can be a great way to turn your entrepreneurial vision into a reality and achieve financial independence. It allows you to bring your unique ideas and skills to the market, serve a need in the community, and potentially make a positive impact on society. Starting a company also offers the potential for personal growth and the satisfaction of building something from the ground up. Additionally, owning a successful company can provide financial security and the ability to create wealth for yourself and potentially others. Of course, starting a company also comes with risks and challenges, but for those willing to put in the hard work and determination, the rewards can be significant.

Benefits of building a company with us

What People Said About us

Not complicated process

“As a busy entrepreneur, I didn’t have time to waste on complicated paperwork and legal procedures. Advisirs Plus made it easy for me to quickly establish my company and get back to doing what I love.”

Setup company very fast

“Creating my company with Advisirs Plus was a breeze. In just a matter of minutes, I had all the information I needed to get started. The process was fast, efficient, and stress-free.”